Americans are more overwhelmed with terror than ever, and that is wearing us all down and making us sick. But there are ways to mitigate it to protect ourselves.
Americans are more overwhelmed with terror than ever, and that is wearing us all down and making us sick. But there are ways to mitigate it to protect ourselves.
Researchers have historically categorized people as either gay or straight, only recently acknowledging bisexuality as its own identity. But they still won't take it seriously.
As climate crises grow in intensity and frequency, we need to examine our history of climate disaster and reconsider our approach moving forward.
Being on trend has never been more destructive to our sense of self, to the labor force, and to the climate. But a growing movement of crafters who post their clothes-making process on...
When the author's infirm parents didn't arrange care for their adult child with Down syndrome before they died, the author juggled caregiving her brother, tween, and a full-time job....
For many in the Black community, having multiple generations of family living under one roof is nothing new. But for this Gen X single mother and grandmother, caring for an aging parent...
The scorching hot temperatures and evaporating water levels in the war-torn African nation is a warning for our collective climate future.
When women seek medical help for chronic pain, especially for gynecological-related issues, health providers are still scrutinizing their mental and emotional health.
When the author and her wife learned their 18-month-old needed open heart surgery, it proved to be one of the most terrifying moments of their lives—and, to their surprise, uniquely...
The author was diagnosed as autistic in her late 40s—and soon discovered she wasn’t alone. In this reported essay, she pinpoints the reasons neurodivergent cis girls elude diagnosis...
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