
Must-Read Links: Critical Charleston Writings, Clinton’s Campaign + More

The most compelling stories from our favorite sources.

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The Charleston Shooter Killed Mostly Black Women. This Wasn’t About “Rape”

DAME contributor Rebecca Carroll’s devastating piece in the Guardian looks at the terrible history of White society’s disposal of Black women and girls, in its barbaric and hateful quest to “save” White women from Black men.


Take Down the Confederate Flag Now

The Confederate flag still flies in South Carolina’s capitol. At The Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates makes the case for taking down this symbol of White supremacy, a symbol, he says, that endorses Roof’s terrorist act


These Are the Victims of the Charleston Church Shooting

Know the names of the nine people ruthlessly and senselessly murdered at one of our nation’s oldest Black churches by a White supremacist. Remember them. 


Meet the New Old Hillary Clinton

“This Hillary seems less afraid. In fact she seems downright determined to run straight into the blades of her own perceived weaknesses,” writes Rebecca Traister at The New Republic, in an insightful profile of the presidential candidate, and her new brazen campaign tack.  


When I Got Pregnant at 40, Time Slowed Down

At BuzzFeed, poet Deborah Landau recounts the poignant story of how her life looped back with the unexpected conception of her daughter, just when she thought the world held nothing new for her anymore.


Here’s What Happens When a Man Eats Nothing But Food Made for Women

At Thrillist, Adam Raymond looks at the ridiculousness of the gendered food empire—from Activia and Special K to Luna bars and Lean Cuisine—by consuming only food “made for women.”


Toxic Shock: Why This Woman Is Suing a Tampon Company After Losing Her Leg

In 2012 Lauren Wasser lost her leg to Toxic Shock Syndrome. At Vice, Tori Telfer recounts the model’s life-threatening illness, and her fight against the synthetic tampon materials that helped cause it.


Image via Slate


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