Amy Westervelt
Amy Westervelt is an award-winning journalist whose reporting and commentary on health, psychology, technology, business, the media, and environmental issues has appeared in The Guardian, Popular Science, Elle, and Aeon. She is the co-founder of Climate Confidential and founder of the Critical Frequency podcast network. Her book, FORGET "HAVING IT ALL": HOW AMERICA MESSED UP MOTHERHOOD - AND HOW TO FIX IT is forthcoming from Seal Press.
Follow @amywestervelt
When Americans like Kylie Jenner and Jeff Bezos downplay their advantages—and the media follows suit—it prevents us from dealing with the truth about income inequality, opportunity access, and classism.
America’s Long History of Stealing Children
People are calling the removal of children from parents at the border "un-American." But it dates back to the founding of this nation.
Words Matter. And Political Propaganda Is Destroying Them
Politicians have always manipulated language to fit their agenda. But when journalists validate and repeat it, they're introducing it into the national idiom.
Hey, Elon Musk, Journalism Is Not PR
The Tesla CEO is calling for a credibility rating system for journalists. What he doesn't know about the media is … a lot.
Michelle Wolf’s WHCD Roast Was Exactly What Access Journalism Deserves
Journalists defending Sarah Sanders as a "victim" of a smoky-eye joke don't care about her. They just don’t like being called out for their incompetence at covering the Trump administration.
Local News Is Dead. Long Live Local News
Patch is back. And so is LAist, Gothamist, and the DCist, thanks to investors from public radio stations. Can they survive this time around?
The Mueller Indictments Are An Indictment of U.S. Media, Too
Are the Russian nationals solely to blame for election interference? Or have we allowed our news media to become useful idiots?
We’re All Paying for Pollution
Various state and federal efforts are underway to put a price tag on carbon emissions, but we can't tax our way out of climate change.
To Save Journalism, We Must Pay For It
Trump outrage has been good for independent media. But can they turn that into a sustainable new business model?
The Myth of “Liberal Media”
While the majority of reporters identify as Democrats, conservatives have done a masterful job of gaining increasing control of the media. That changes the news we all read.