Amy Westervelt
Amy Westervelt is an award-winning journalist whose reporting and commentary on health, psychology, technology, business, the media, and environmental issues has appeared in The Guardian, Popular Science, Elle, and Aeon. She is the co-founder of Climate Confidential and founder of the Critical Frequency podcast network. Her book, FORGET "HAVING IT ALL": HOW AMERICA MESSED UP MOTHERHOOD - AND HOW TO FIX IT is forthcoming from Seal Press.
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Fueled by scientific advancement and a big Exxon blunder, climate liability cases are tearing up the courts. Will they work?
Here’s the Real Cost of ‘Elite’ Journalism
The pay rates are ever-declining and newsrooms remain as white and male as ever. That's not only bad for readers—it's bad for business.
Did the Digital Eyeball Economy Set Media Up to Fail?
The slow decline of print media is often blamed on internet culture, but the industry has been cannibalizing itself for decades.
The Danger of Looting the EPA
Scott Pruitt put a chemical industry insider in charge of regulating toxics in the U.S. What could go wrong?
The Climate-Fire Nexus, Explained
This year's wildfire season is one of the worst on record, and the reasons are clear. Until we can rid climate science of politics, no one will be safe.
The Dark Side of the Beauty Boom
Women are buying more makeup than ever. Could the craze be killing us?
U.S. Media Is In Crisis. Again
It's not just the truth that is under assault, but the perceptions being created by a right-wing takeover of our national and local news organizations.
Why Are So Many Women Still Dying of Breast Cancer?
The number of women dying from metastatic breast cancer hasn’t changed since the 1970s. Thankfully, there’s a network of committed activists determined to change that.
Are We Still a First-World Nation?
From income inequality to gender to education, the U.S. is lagging far behind most other developed countries. Here's what we need to fix to truly make America great.