When female journalists are bullied out of the media, it’s not only their individual careers that suffer; it alters the entire scope and tone of the world’s news.
Culture » Media
It takes a lot for women to recount their stories of assault and harassment. But as this author reminds us, lingering trauma can make coming forward all but impossible.
Roy Moore's and Donald Trump's claims about "liberal media" conspiracies are the latest iteration of an age-old anti-Jewish dog whistle.
When it comes to sexual assault, it’s time to stop thinking we can separate artists, politicians, and media makers from their work.
It's not just the truth that is under assault, but the perceptions being created by a right-wing takeover of our national and local news organizations.
The New York Times is just the latest mainstream news outlet to normalize white supremacists when the truth about America’s socio-cultural realities are what we need the most.
They flirt with you as you pitch your stories. Your meetings feel like dates. How can a female journalist feel good about her work when newsrooms are predominantly controlled by men?
InfoWars' fake news—that Texas mass-murderer Devin Kelly was part of Antifa—has one purpose: to incite fear and hatred. And in an increasingly fascist regime, more people are...
While so many white male journalists pander for White House access, women and people of color are doing all they can to hold the fourth estate together.