During the 2016 Election, legacy media portrayed the reality-TV star’s presidential bid—and the rise of authoritarianism—as an unrealistic threat. Consider who’s running the...
Like many Gen-X cis men, the author grew up on prankster dude-bro humor. But the fare his 13-year old subsists on is far more toxic than anything the writer remembers, which has...
No matter that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s campaign has excited voters in ways we haven’t seen since 2008, the media continues to rely on Trump to frame all their election...
For gymnasts, the Olympics is the apex of a sport with no margin of error. And with the new two-competitor-limit ruling, the opportunity to participate has become an increasingly...
Trump’s ghoulish VP pick is awful at selling the GOP’s terrifyingly regressive platform. He’s even worse at taking potshots at VP Harris and her exciting presidential campaign.
Legacy media is determined to legitimize a convicted criminal and undermine the candidacy of an effective president for the sake of clickbait—and at the risk of dooming a nation's...
Our trusted national newspapers influence the public opinion and shape the narrative of our history. Which is why it is incredibly worrisome that Rupert Murdoch has appointed his...
By our 40s, many folks have already solidified their social circles. But it's not so uncommon for middle-age LGBTQ people to flout such conventions—out of necessity and desire.
Trump has always shown us who he is. But neither mainstream news outlets nor GOP lawmakers would do what a dozen brave New Yorkers did yesterday: Call it like they saw it and hold the...