It may seem harmless, but “just asking questions” is a bad-faith, politically motivated media tactic that manipulates readers into buying a skewed worldview.
News & Issues » Politics
Failure to hold the powerful to account is hardly new. But in this era of unparalleled hubris, pathological liars not only go unpunished in politics; they get rewarded with even more...
Haley’s campaign announcement was an amalgamation of a dozen different Republican ideas—none of which seem to unify the party anymore.
When a paper of record makes unsubstantiated claims, other media outlets see them and spin them out in a subversive game of telephone. Is this how we really want the first draft of...
The GOP is waging culture wars with harmful and violent consequences, yet those social issues were missing from the presidential address.
In their depiction of Trump’s and Biden’s “markedly different” classified document situations, journalists are muddying the waters and confusing readers.
The government spends billions on keeping track of sensitive materials. So why do our valuable documents still go missing?
Fascists rely on scapegoating and stoking imaginary fears. Now Republicans have focused their hatred on trans people to deflect attention from their destructive policies, and it could...
We've been so focused on preserving not the system of democracy, but the status quo. We need to fight for the rule of the people, by the people, for the people.