Support Dame’s Journalism
DAME needs your help to keep publishing. As a 100% independent, reader-funded outlet, your support ensures we can continue to tell the stories that otherwise go unheard – as reported, analyzed, and written by women.
We need your help. Please help us reach our goal of 2,500 supporters!
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Sticker Pack! $10 a Month/$120 yearly

Vintage stamp key chains & stickers! $15 a Month/$180 yearly

Tote bag, vintage stamp key chains and sticker pack! $25 a Month/$300 yearly

Mug, tote bag, vintage stamp key chains and sticker pack! $50 a Month/$600 yearly

Women own fewer than eleven percent of all media platforms, and make up only 39 percent of newsrooms – but DAME is women-owned and women-run.
The narrowness of our current media landscape is insidious, a genuine threat to the ongoing democratic project. In these extraordinary times, we urgently need a new media model, one that privileges voices that have long been sidelined, and focuses on issues that have long been ignored. When you become a supporting member, you allow DAME to continue our storytelling, our analysis, and our reporting – you become part of the team working to change the American discourse. Please help DAME tell that story as it unfolds.
Why our members give
“I don’t remember how I originally came across DAME, but it has seriously impacted my life for the better. It has been so important for me to read and learn a POV different than my own. I have become much more effective in my volunteer work through greater understanding, and that is why support DAME as I do.”- John C.
“I can always count on Dame for exceptional writing and reporting, and a point of view that isn’t run of the mill. That’s why I click and why I’m a supporting member.”- Liz G.
“With a media landscape crowded with ‘news’ organizations whose reporting teams that aren’t diverse, and whose reporting reflects the agendas of their corporate owners, independent media like DAME is more important than ever. Supporting DAME means supporting writers and editors who and report stories that matter to women and the girls we are raising.”- Camille H.
“Dame covers stories I don’t see anywhere else, but are very relevant to me. There is clearly a lot of work that goes into each story, and the result is compelling pieces that offer different perspectives. The fact that I’m supporting women is just icing on the cake!”- Ruth R.